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Retiring in 2 Places- The Pros and Cons

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 Topretirements eNewsletter
 April 20, 2011

In This Issue...

  • The Pros and Cons of Retiring to 2 Places
  • Fernandina Beach, Florida
  • Mortgage and Housing Guide
  • Chandler, AZ

    Pictured above:  Scene inside Amelia Plantation, the very large community and resort near Fernandina Beach at the top of Florida's East Coast.
    Our apologies for last Thursday's email. A sample test of our Daily Digest email was mistakenly sent to our entire list last week. Thank you for your patience about this unintended sneak preview.  We hope to resume the Daily Digest within the next few days - but this time it will only go to the correct list! If you are a current digest subscriber, be on the lookout for the email asking you to confirm your subscription. Or better yet, go ahead and signup now.
    Do you hate compromises? If you do, maybe you should think about retiring in 2 different places. You might choose a contrast in weather, or maybe in the type of environment. This new article weighs the pros and cons.
    Housing Numbers Mixed
    The Commerce Department reported yesterday that  March building permits and housing starts were above those in February - but below the March 2010 numbers. Separately, Zillow reported that February home prices were 1% below January's and 8% lower than February 2010.
    Click on a state to see reviews of 677 great retirement towns, plus a list of 1,318 active adult communities. 
    Located at the top of Florida's eastern coast, Fernandina offers the best of several worlds. The town itself is cute, funky, and interesting. And just down the road is the very upscale Amelia Island Plantation, a huge development and resort with first class golf, tennis, and beaches. 
    Get on track with your retirement planning. Our "100 Best Retirement Towns" provides 300+ pages with the inside stories, facts, and insight on the 100 most popular towns at Topretirements. eBook, Print, or Kindle versions.
    We've come across a very helpful guide to housing and mortgages, including those difficult to understand reverse mortgages.  Also includes common questions and problems.
    We've set up a few Forum topics where our members can post FAQs and get their questions asked.  Check it out - or ask a question that's on your mind. 
    FAQs  and  Questions
    Chandler is a complex mixture. It's a bedroom community for Phoenix and other suburbs, as well as being home to some very large active adult communities.  It has a good economic base with some hi-tech firms, yet its biggest festival of the year celebrates Chandler's history as a center for raising ostriches. It also offers parks and culture.
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